Interrelatedness patterns of knowledge representation in extension concept mapping

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Didik Dwi Prasetya
Triyanna Widiyaningtyas
Tsukasa Hirashima


Extension concept mapping enhances existing maps by integrating new knowledge, yielding an additional map. This study focuses on two potential extension designs: Extended Kit-Build and Extended Scratch-Build methods. While prior research favored Extended Kit-Build for cognitive knowledge comprehension and map scores, it lacked insights into concept map-relatedness patterns. The tight connections among knowledge representations demonstrate a remarkable level of expertise and the profoundness of an individual’s understanding. This study reveals interrelatedness patterns in extension concept mapping activities that connect previous and new knowledge. The dataset was obtained from a database that accommodates the results of concept mapping activities of 55 university students on two material topics. The study employed a two-group design, wherein the experimental cohort embraced the Extended Kit-Build approach, contrasting with the control cohort’s utilization of the Extended Scratch-Build approach. Extension Relationship scores were utilized to evaluate the knowledge interrelatedness patterns in extension concept mapping. The scoring method assessed both the number and quality of concept map proposition relationships. The experimental group established a statistically more significant quantity and qualitative strength of extension relationships than those within the control group. In the experimental group, a statistically noteworthy positive correlation emerged between the scores of extension relationships and students’ comprehension.


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How to Cite
Prasetya, D. D., Widiyaningtyas, T., & Hirashima, T. (2025). Interrelatedness patterns of knowledge representation in extension concept mapping. Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning, 20, 009.

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