Editor’s introduction
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We are delighted to commence publishing our tenth volume of Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning. The current issue marks an important milestone for the Journal in its tenth anniversary as an open-access online journal published by Springer starting from 2015. The Journal will keep providing everyone interested in the use of technology for enhancing learning with opportunities for the prompt and free access to research insights into new theories and innovative practices in the field of computers in education.
I would like to take this opportunity to sincerely thank the executive committee of the Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education—the Journal’s sponsor society—for greatly supporting the Journal to migrate to the new publication mode. My heartfelt thanks also go to the consultants, associate editors, and editorial board members of the Journal for their professional contributions in this regard.
The current issue is delighted to present the Special Issue on the theme “Modeling, Management and Generation of Problems/Questions in Technology-Enhanced Learning,” with Kazuaki Kojima and Tomoko Kojiri as Guest Editors. The Special Issue aims to disseminate innovative research and empirical practice on the problem/question-centered learning approach, including learning by problem solving and/or generation, to promoting students’ development of knowledge and skills. The Editorial by the Guest Editors delineates the theme of the Special Issue as well as introduces the individual articles. I wish to express my sincere gratitude to the Guest Editors for their great effort and professional contribution to the realization of the Special Issue.
We keep soliciting an eclectic collection of quality paper submissions from researchers and practitioners around the world to share insights into the theoretical and methodological dimensions of research and practice in technology-enhanced learning.
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